About Us

About Us

W E   A R E   A M E L I A   F R A N K

The Eco-Friendly Choice For Our Little People 

Hi! Sarah here, the owner and founder of Amelia Frank. We are the providers of beautiful homewares created for the carers of tiny folk, designed by me and influenced by the Aussie sun and landscape. Our products give that added touch of style to items you constantly reach for in the busy world of parenthood. Our mission is simple, to provide stylish children’s homewares to fit the modern home. Our Why? Even simpler. We believe that a big part of sustainability is bringing the love and quality back to the products that we buy and reducing the amount of single use items that so often clutter our lives. 

With a focus on sustainable and renewable resources we are committed to using earth conscious materials wherever possible. This aims to ensure that whether you are gifting a friend or yourself, you do so, knowing that you are helping reduce the footprint on the stunning landscape that has inspired our designs.


O U R   P R O D U C T S  -  D I D   S O M E O N E  S A Y  B A M B O O?! 

Our products have been tried and tested to make sure that they withstand the unpredictable nature of parenthood. We look at durability, sustainability and how it feels. Bamboo is used as a primary resource for the majority of our products as it is extremely earth friendly. What makes this miracle product so great? Well it doesn’t require pesticides for one, as it has its own inbuilt anti-fungal, anti-bacterial agent. Also adding to this amazing inbuilt superpower, it needs less water than cotton and is one of the fastest growing plants in the world.  It also feeds Panda’s, but don’t worry we aren’t stealing the Panda’s lunch, this is a different type of bamboo!


E T H I C A L   S O U R C I N G 

It is really important to us that we understand where our products come from and who is making them. Not only do we want to bring you quality products, made with thought and love but we also spend time and resources to ensure that we have the right manufacturer and those who make our amazing products are treated in a fair, ethical and respectful way.


The motto around here is; small changes can make a big difference!